Homegrown Stellenbosch II @ Klein Libertas, Stellenbosch, 19.08.11


Klein Libertas in Stellenbosch is an inside / outside venue in the middle of Stellenbosch town. Originally a theater, it has grown to not only provide theatre space but also outside / outside gig space for bands and DJs. This weekend it played host to the second edition of Homegrown Stellenbosch. Homegrown is the largest monthly drum n bass party in Africa and is hosted by 500Mills Counterstrike of Algorythm Recordings.

The main adjustment made since the first Stellenbosch Homegrown is the location of the stage which was moved to the middle of the audience space. Previously, the dance floor was L shaped, meaning those who were dancing around the corner were unable to see the DJs and visuals and were subsequently disconnected from the main action. This time the dance floor was T shaped, with the DJ platform on the top of the T. This meant the audience could party on the left, right and middle of the DJ platform and everyone could see. The venue also provided covering over half of the outside section to combat the weekend’s poor weather.

This month’s lineup included an opening set from B-Wise, Mix n Blend (DJ set), resident Hyphen, It Came From The Jungle host Niskerone, 500 Mills Counterstrike and SFR who finished of the night. To name the second edition of Homegrown Stellenbosch a massive party would be an understatement, with the audience singing along to riffs and lyrics, dancing and drinking, insisting on one more song, then one more song, then one more song until the door shut just after 2am (licence law). Thanks for another great party Homegrown and Stellenbosch!

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  1. says: Werner du Plessis

    Thx for everyone that pulled through, we’ll try and make the next one even better!

    Big success!

    And shot for the cool review!