Thanks for taking an interest in Boring Cape Town Chick. While it’s not the biggest blog in South Africa, I have consistently managed to produce content for over 7 years and have enjoyed sharing many experiences with my readers. BCTC is a hobby blog that I facilitate after hours as I work full time.
What’s the Difference Between a Blogger & Influencers?
Influencers have a large scale impact on audiences via social media. Their primary services, so to speak, are awareness and conversions. Meaning, they have an highly engaged audience who will consume most, if not all, of their content.
This creates awareness and ultimately conversions as the trust factor is so high. Their content is often short lived due to the fact that social posts can not be searched for via Google and are ephemeral (only last 24 hours).
Bloggers have a more long term offering as websites and pages appear in Google search results. Something that was created 2 years ago can still be found on Google today should a user search for a particular topic that a blogger covered.
Blogs and website also influence how a brand appears on Google. When a user Google somethings and a list of results appears, these results are shaped by features from other websites. Bloggers influence this by the relevance of their coverage to the search and the quality of content. Social influencing can not shape search results in anyway.
Boring Cape Town Chick Audience Information
2018 Audience Statistics
2017 Audience Statistics
2016 Blog & Social Statistics
Fun Twitter Interactions
Here are some fun tweet interactions of late: