Music11 July, 2016<11 July, 2016 Use This Music To Get You Through Monday by Boring Cape Town Chick I’m a bit grouchy today. And I need to focus and defrost a little bit. It’s just one of those, “Put your head down…
Music15 August, 2013<15 August, 2013 Jakobsnake: Thiis is Dead Mix by Boring Cape Town Chick Cape Town bass music DJ, producer and Afroclap purveyor Jakobsnake just released this mix from Soundcloud page. I’m not into downloading any Tom, Dick…
Music16 January, 2013<15 May, 2018 CTEMF Line Up 2013 by Boring Cape Town Chick One can’t help but be curious as a blogger so here’s my attempt at compiling the 2013 CTEMF line up! A33 African Storm Soundsystem…