It really annoys me when people sit and cough and sniff and splutter at work, because all I can think of it how the cooties are closing in on me! It only took our office one season together to realise that if you’re barely well enough to come to work then you’re definitely infecting everyone else here. Staying home is a good idea. But Uber, in true innovative style, has an even better idea:
This winter Uber Cape Town (and Jozi and Durban), the innovative app that connects riders with drivers, has partnered with Discovery Health to provide South Africans with flu vaccinations at the tap of a button.
How to get your Uber flu shot on demand:
- Between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Friday 22 May 2015 only, you will be able to request up to 5 flu vaccinations, to your doorstep, using the Uber app for only R100.
- Starting at 10:00 AM, open your Uber application and toggle over to the red cross icon.
- Set your pickup location, and request a ride as you normally would.
- Within minutes, a Discovery Health accredited nurse will arrive at your location, ready to administer flu vaccinations for up to five patients.
If you’re not yet an UBER user:
- Uber Cape Town Sign up (and enjoy your first ride free to up to R150).
- Enter the promotional code: UBERHEALTHSA (click on the human icon in top left corner of app, select promotions, enter promo code, click apply (top right).
- Then the Uber Health option should appear on your app on the Set Pickup Location (UberX, UberBlack, UberHealth). Slide to UberHealth.
- Discovery accredited nurses will come equipped with a flu prevention pack, stocked with a few surprise items from Uber and Discovery to keep you healthy during the winter months.
Important Details:
- The offer is open to anyone using Uber, not just Discovery clients.
- While the flu vaccination and flu prevention pack will be free, a once off fare of R100 will be charged directly to your Uber account to cover the cost of the visit.
- Discovery Vitality members will earn 1000 Vitality points following their flu shot.
- All DiscoveryCard holders, who add their Discovery credit card to their Uber account, will have the R100 home visit fee refunded.
- You must be an Uber user to request your flu shot on demand.
- You must be 18 years or older to request UberHEALTH.
- We anticipate that demand will be through the roof, so please be patient and keep trying.
For further information and updates from Uber follow @Uber_CT on Twitter and like Uber’s Facebook page at