Best Chocolate Eclair Ever! At Le Grandgousier, Paris

Happy #TravelTuesday everyone! I’m loving seeing a number of travel photographs at the moment, from other bloggers away to other friends visiting cities I have, it’s so special to share in those moments. One particular post stood out for me last week as friends of our visited Paris. It made me think of THE BEST chocolate eclair I have EVER HAD! YOH!

Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick1Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick2

Mr John and I were actually on a mission to find the best beignets in Paris. Tripadvisor advised us where to go but, unfortunately, the cafe wasn’t open as it was a bank holiday.

Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick3Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick4

Luckily for us, there was a French charcuterie type deli open across the street, so I decided to pop in there and take a look at what they had…a gold mine apparently! This deli was FILLED with French cuisine and I was SUPER keen to get tucked into it ALL! I want ALL the foods LOL!

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It was called Le Grandgousier and is based near Nelson Mandela Park! We didn’t know this at the time,, but ended up having our picnic in a modern park, next to a beautiful church only to learn it was Nelson Mandela Park on our way out! What a coincidence 🙂

Le Grandgousier is FILLED with all things French. Baked breads, puddings, terrine, casseroles, you name it, they had it and I went IN!

Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick6Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick9Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick7They had some creepy things like rabbit and foie gras, which I skipped and rather went for the roast lamb roulade and pork terrine. The terrine was amazing and the lamb was good too, but the garlic factor, YOH! They don’t mess around there!I also jumped into a few baked goods which lead me to the chocolate eclair and a lemon tart. Best lemon tart I’d ever had! My Mom makes a pretty great lemon curd, this was an excellent rival. Can you say YUM?!Le Grand Gousier - Paris - Boring Cape Town Chick5

While we had a pit stop in the park so that I could eat some of the lunch, I saved the eclair for back at the hotel where I could rest in the privacy of our room. We had already been to the Louvre in the morning so we were pretty bushed. When I bit into the eclair, it had chocolate cream on the inside! The outer layer was firmer, it’s not doughnutty like some of them can be around SA. I don’t want to say they were too dry, but they were a firm casing to hold a HUGE amount of cream in without squishing the cream out either side. It was like a cave holding tasty goodness in the middle. YUM!

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It was the best eclair I have ever had and I have not forgotten it to this day! If you are in Paris next time and looking to taste a bunch of French food, but don’t have the time to spread it out over meals, try this place. I think I spent about 30 Euros and honestly had SO much food. I was so happy to see salads and home cooked food (albeit divine) that I really went a bit overboard. Oops!

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