How To Remove Your Mobile Number From Facebook


Update: 9th March 2019

Since posting this piece Facebook has adjusted their privacy settings! When I would hover over the mobile number listed, it would only let me show to friends or public. ONLY to me was NOT as option, as per my screenshots. They’ve since listed 2 more options, which is useful.

How To Remove Your Mobile Number From Facebook

I LOVE Facebook. It’s just who I am. I LOVE the world of modern technology, social media, the creativity of YouTube, the fun of Snapchat, the convenience of picture sharing on Facebook, I really do think we’re living through an amazing time. Hell, I even work on Facebook every single day and I love it!

BUT! I’m not immune to having certain limitations particularly when it comes to privacy. I do NOT want my images going to all and sundry, and I CERTAINLY DO NOT want my mobile number out in public. Particularly as a woman, this is a line I’m not prepared to compromise on.

So when a friend shared an article about how Facebook had made our mobile numbers visible I didn’t believe it at first. I thought they were talking about customer matching, which is the (legal) practice of sharing e-mail addresses or telephone numbers (PROVIDED BY USERS) to Facebook in order to reach their customers.

“A Custom Audience from a customer list is a type of audience you can create made up of your existing customers. You can target ads to the audience you’ve created on Facebook, Instagram, and Audience Network.” – Facebook Business

For example, you are a Discovery Health Vitality member. They obviously have your e-mail address. They then upload those details to Facebook (machines hash it all, your data isn’t readable). If you use that same e-mail address to log into Facebook, then they can send you adverts. For example, “Don’t forget to have your blood pressure tested for free on World Health Day at any Discovery clinic.” (hyperthetical).

But this is NOT what the article is referring to! HAIBO!

Where Is My Mobile Number on Facebook?

I went to my profile < About < Overview and HOLY MACKEREL. There was my number. 

I was SHOOKETH! This is the EXACT level of privacy that I did NOT want compromised.

Now you may say, ” Come on Meg, Cambridge Analytica, bla bla bla.” The fact that paid social media works is totally and third party apps violating privacy laws is a totally different issue to Facebook publically publishing my information. 

Luckily for me, I believe in taking the power back! So I jumped into action mode and figured out how to remove it. 

How To Remove Your Mobile Number From Facebook

I added my mobile number for safety, which does not mean I want my “friends” aka anyone I deem to keep in touch with, hence FB, to access it. Unless FB wants me to remove everyone who I don’t want to have it? I didn’t think so.

So, to remove your number, go to:

  1. Settings from the Home Page.
  2. Mobile

If you already have a mobile number in there, you can select REMOVE. A pop up will emerge and you will be able to Remove Phone.

If you do NOT mind having your number there, you are able to change a setting to Friends Only or Public. Friends only wasn’t good enough for me so I removed mine totally. 

Testing Your Mobile Number Has Been Removed From Facebook

After removing my number, I returned to my profile and it had indeed been removed. 

I then tested what would happen if I added it back. Interestingly, when I readded the number, it gave me the option to add my number back but to also control WHO saw the number.

Still, I did’t want mine there so I’ve removed it again.

What About 2 Step Authentication

I went to my 2 Step Authentication to see if that was affected in any way. You can do this by going back to the Settings Menu and up to Security and Login, you will see the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) option. Mine seem disabled so I added it again. 

When I click Get Started, my number is still saved within FB, it’s just not displayed publicly as I removed it earlier. So I went through the process of adding 2FA and went back to my profile to check if my number had been added back again. 

BOOM! There my number was publicly listed again. EISH. 

So back to setting to remove again.

I’m sorry. I’d love 2FA but NOT at the expense of having my number displayed publicly. And yes, having 950 FB friends like I do IS public. I don’t see how 2FA is keeping me safer when my details are available!

So the choice is your. 1) 2FA but your number is visible. 2) No 2FA, and you have more privacy. Your call. 





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