So I heard Ramsay was endorsing Checkers. The first thing I said was, No WAYS!!! Must have cost them a FORTUNE!” I was really skeptical cause I’m a huge Ramsay fan and not SUCH a Checkers fan. I don’t want him punting a brand who I’m not entirely convinced about (I’ve bought cheese from them before with mould on it – and it wasn’t blue cheese!). Naturally I had to see the ad though so I hit YouTube and it was EVERYTHING I needed it to be.
Is Ramsay standing there selling a world of commercialism BS? No. Is he himself skeptical about the brand, yes! This is exactly what he addresses and then naturally puts the products to the test. I must hand it to Checkers on this one, they’ve really focused on their brand reputation and addressed the issue. Watch the ad for yourself and tell me what you think? 🙂