The first time I went to Homegrown I ended up lying, face down, in the field opposite Mercury. What’s ironic, is that no one seemed to mind! Patrons thought it was hilarious that I was so drunk as if it was to be expected. Over the years I returned to Homegrown and realised, it sorta is expected. Homegrown is one crazy party! And with Mercury’s cheap jugs, people sure do like to have a great time.
All these years later I’ve been to more than 30 Homegrowns, which is nothing considering the party has been going for TWELVE YEARS! But now it has come to an end. After 12 wonderful years of rocking Mercury every first Saturday of the month, November saw out the final Homegrown as the organisers have moved overseas.
To celebrate the work of Southern Africa’s longest drum n bass party, November’s Homegrown started early. The doors opened at 7pm and immediately downstairs filled up as TehSynes started the night with his brand of liquid dnb. It set the perfect tone. People were there to party but they also wanted to talk about, consider and have a toast on the occasion. The music suited the occasion perfectly.
At 8pm, the upstairs opened and more and more people arrived. By the end of the night nearly a 1000 people had come to party at the last Homegrown. The music continued downstairs, after TehSynes B-Wise took over followed by Totem, ALXR, Kamashe and Damage Inc. Upstairs, Mix n Blend started at 8pm followed by A33, one of the very first DJs to be involved in the beginning of Homegrown back in 2000. Bruce Willis played at 21:30 followed by resident Hyphen. SFR was next then Homegrown co-creator 500Mills Counterstrike. RudeOne played next and the night finished with General Sound. Every reputable dnb DJ in Cape Town played, bar Niskerone who was on tour at the time.
I have to comment on the energy of the evening. It really seemed as if everyone was there to have a good time and pay their respects to Homegrown. The usual pushing and shoving that can occur at parties was totally dropped. People were polite and kind to one another, singing along and having a huge party! I’m really glad the evening went off without a hitch. It’s sad to say goodbye to such a good time but I’m glad everyone pulled together and just put partying and enjoying it first. I wish we could do it all over again!
R.I.P Homegrown, you certainly are a force to be reckoned with in Cape Town.