The last time I went to Eddie Izzard I was SO excited! I’m actually not a big stand up comedy fan AT ALL. 90% of the time I really just don’t find it funny, however, Eddie Izzard is one of the few I do like (Colbert Report is my absolutely favourite). So we booked our tickets and hit the CTICC but unfortunately he was really jet lagged and I just didn’t feel he’d nailed it like I hoped he would. And that was that.
Then last night a friend rang to offer us free tickets! So off we rushed to Grand West. Well, you could imagine the state of my face when we were 4 rows from the front. We sighed a sigh of relief when the house lights went down and plunged us into darkness, audiences mostly like to pretend to be cave creatures hiding from the possibility of getting picked on. Eddie Izzard strutted onto stage, throwing away bow tie and proceeded to flash his babyblue eyes at the audience all night.
He was far more relaxed than the first time I felt. And I love that he really engages with the audience (doesn’t pick on but LISTENS to the responses) and moves from there. Some of the time I couldn’t remember what his point was as I was so absorbed by his sound effects and skits which had the audiences cracking up – especially the couple next to me, they were LOVING life!
Over all, it was a fantastic show. It was awesome to be so close and to really see his face. I kept thinking of him on the Graham Norton show and examining how different he is in real life. If you ever get the chance to catch his show, please do. It’s definitely worth the night out even for stand up comedy haters like myself 😉
P.S They also had this cool activation where you could sms Eddie Izzard and it would appear on the giant screens! Unfortunately the same people seemed to get through all the time so I’m not sure how current it was but it was still fun to read and kill time. Better than waiting, waiting, waiting 🙂