Am I Officially Old?

BCTCBlog Quiche PastrySo as you know, I haven’t posted much over the last week, also known as nothing at all! I asked myself, am I one of those bloggers who drives people to her site and then has nothing to say for herself? But what can I write about? I haven’t done anything too new or too exciting, so what’s there to say? Then I remembered, wtf, this is a personal blog! I can’t compete with all the awesome bigger blogs out there, this is just my little life story and the odd comment about how weird the world is. So this is really what I’ve been up to:

I love cooking shows, I really do. My Mom recently told me that she’d heard a quote about cooking having grown into a spectator’s sport. And she’s right. Master Chef (UK, USA, RSA, AUS), Ready Steady Cook, Top Chef, Diners Drive-ins & Dives – the list goes on! When I was a little girl I used to put all my cake ingredients into separate bowls and pretend I was on a cooking show. I guess this is why I went into media even though it has nothing to do with cooking!

Quiche completeI guess I still like it though because I watch cooking shows ALL the time. And if you watch cooking shows you’ll know the things that sends contestants home the quickest is pastry and desert. So whilst I was sitting at home not doing much, I decided to give it a go! If I fail – I bought minute steaks just in case!

As previously mentioned, I was given Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cookery Course book as a birthday present this year. I PVR’d the show whilst I was away so I only caught up on the pastry one this week. Quicke? Yes please. So last night I set about making my very own quiche! And it actually worked!!! Ok, I slightly over cooked the crust and I think I might have had a little TOO little butter (cause the pastry kept cracking when I rolled it) but over all it worked! And it tasted DARN GOOD!

So this is the reason why I haven’t been posting much. Because I always think life has to be like a TV show if you’re going to write about it. But life’s not always like a show, sometimes it’s just simple and satisfying in the small ways. Born up a tree! 😉



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