Yip! You read correctly. FOKOFPOLISIEKAR, in association with Sir Thomas Brewing Co, have made their own beer. I think it’s hilarious as it makes perfect sense: huge audience, rock stars, sunny beer in South Africa, voi la. And craft beer is so trendy right now. They’ll be launching 4 craft beers throughout the year. The first series is a 440ml ‘Blonde Ale’ and goes by the name, DAGDRONK (direct translation: Day Drunk), which was released in December 2014.
DAGDRONK will only be sold per box at a cost of R640 per box consisting of 16 beers. The cost includes delivery everywhere in South Africa. Order from fokof@sirthomasbre.com
The other three craft beers will go on sale throughout the year. From:
02 March – 01 June, Autumn: IPA (Indian Pale Ale).
02 June – 01 September, Winter: Red Irish Ale, infused with Rooibos.
02 September – 01 December, Spring: Weiss beer.
To celebrate, they’ll be launching officially at the Assembly in February. If you’d like to win an exclusive tasting with them before the start of the launch and a set of double tickets to attend then tweet me or tag me on the Facebook post (comment section) with the following:
“Hey @BCTCBlog! Please let me hang out with @FokOfBand sipping on their new #dagdronk @assembly_CT!
Alternatively, tickets are available online. Details:
Date: 13 February 2015
Line-up: Fokofpolisiekar, De Wallen & DJ’s – Francois Van Coke, Hunter Van Coke, Jaco Snakehead Venter, Johnny Rehab, Valkie Van Coke.
Venue: The Assembly, Cape Town
Time: 21:00pm
Tickets: Official FokOfPolisieKar Beer launch tickets: Early bird R50 pp, R60 presold, R80 at the door.
Keep up to date with further info on their Fokofpolisiekar Facebook event.