For ONCE, a Bank is Actually Giving Us Something RAD!

Everyone has their opinion about how kak banks can be. This is true and there’s not much we can do about it so let’s not get into it because this post could start looking like a News24 comment section!

For once, I’d actually like to highlight an awesome service that FNB has actually come up with for App users. At some point in our lives we’ve all had to transfer cash to our best friend or partner and we’ve ALL experienced the pen and paper route, do I have the right branch code? The endless repeating of numbers, “No, not 0, 8.” “808?” “No 080.” Boring Cape Town Chickarggggg!!!! What a pain.

But now FNB has created Geo Payments and it actually works! What’s Geo Payments? Well it’s this awesome new service which eliminates pens and papers if you want to transfer money to someone sitting right next to you!

If I’m making a payment I simple go to Geo Payments on the front page of my App. Click on Geo Payments. My friend next to me does the same thing. I click “Make Payment.” she clicks “Receive Payment.” Her name (essentially account) will pop up on my screen. I click it, enter Amount, my FNB App password and click Pay. BOOM! The money’s in!

20120525-170008.jpgNO writing down numbers, hoping you’re not paying some random on the planet, it’s all right in front of you in close proximity, no errors! I’m a total fan of Geo Payments and will DEFINITELY be using it a lot more in the future.

Well done FNB for actually providing your customers with something easy and forward thinking. Good job!

Boring Cape Town Chick

Boring Cape Town Chick

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