Each year I usually run backwards and forwards between each stage but because there weren’t really artists that I wanted to see this year, I just took things easy and took pictures and videos that were interesting at the time. There have been a lot of mixed reviews this year, you can decide what you think for yourself from the videos 🙂
The biggest problem here was sound. We started off standing just to the left of the sound tower and when they started it sounded like sound check. We literally couldn’t believe that was the start of the show. We moved around to the left of the stage and that was better, although I still prefer my concert music MUCH louder! I don’t want to hear people talking. I thought the band started off pretty apathetic but grew in enthusiasm as the audience threw them love and excitement. Here’s a sneak peek of photographs of Bloc Party pics from Edward Duckitt photography from Rocking the Daisies.
Poor Grandmaster Flash has gotten so many mixed reviews. He absolutely rocked the house, no doubt. I’ve never been mad for eighties electronic music but he made it sound brand new mixed with classic pop electronic songs through the years as well as current hits such as Avicci’s Levels, Rihanna – We Found Love. He played an entirely commercial set and it rocked, but those who study and play hip hop were really disappointed in his set. They were hoping he’d play something inspiring on the intellectual side of this art but he played for the masses. So depending on which side your interests lie, so will your love/hate of his set. I personally like pop music so I didn’t mind the euphoric pop set that went down.
Koan Sound was the first international group that I’ve heard a decent amount of glitch. I’d never heard this genre before our South African DJs started playing it. So I really enjoyed hearing “the pros” play the genre. Means our talent is on the right track and competing on international levels of DJing and production – important if we want our scene to grow. Their style of music is much deeper than the perky stuff GMFlash played, so I some may have viewed their set as mellow. It was more electronic in style that the Redbull stage line ups are accustomed to, unlike Grandmaster Flash who could have played on either stage.