New Clothing Store for Guys & Girls: COTTON ON

BCTC Cotton On: Shop in Canal Walk By now you’ve gathered I’m not the fashion obsessed, beauty product consonour, shoe guide and general all round girly expert. But I am a girl. And I do live in this world. And I do wear clothes and like girly things…even if it’s at a much slower and shallow depth than other female bloggers! On that note…I found a really cute shop for boys and girls called Cotton On.

Although it’s been in CPT since the start of the year, considering I hate shopping, I’ve been late to catch on! The shop had a great sale on when I visited and we got 30% off all our purchases. There were loads of male t-shirts, mature stuff, not along the Jay Jay’s vibe (no disrespect, just saying) that fit actual adults, YAY! There were loads of different dresses, tops, scarves, for the ladies as well, all ‘non-brand’ stuff so I was really intrigued.

I checked the label and the prices had Rands, Australian Dollars and New Zealands dollars on the label. I confirmed with the cashier and the brand is Australian. I’m really glad to hear this! Variety is the spice of life.

In terms of cost, I’m still prepared to spend good money on decent clothes but as the price of clothing increases and quality of clothing decreases, this is getting harder to do. So I’m going the inexpensive route because then I know what value I’m getting. Kinda like choosing McDonalds. You go with mediocre because you know what you’ll get. I’m pleased with our purchases: we bought a 2 t-shirts, a dress for under R400. I like.

If you use their QR code it’ll take you to the website for you to join the mailing list for more promotions. Check them out at Canal Walk.

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    1. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting 🙂 I disagree only because it costs twice as much as Mr Price but lasts 3 times longer. So yes, it’s more expensive, in the short term, but in the long term it has more money for value. 🙂 I haven’t spent more than R350 on anything at Cotton on before which I think is reasonable (compared to YDE for example).