Woolworths’ Factory Shop, Compass Bakery Now In Diep River

The Compass Bakery in Kommetjie is well known around Cape Town for being the home of tasty tea and dessert items. Not just any tasty items, but Woolworths tasty items.

Compass Bakery is responsible for all the amazing baked goods that makes shopping in Woolies so difficult. Isle after isle of treats in a row, the price doesn’t matter until you’re feeling fat and guilty after a delicious pudding tuck-in session.

Compass Bakery Diep River

I have good news and I have bad news. The bad news is that the Compass Bakery is now closed in Kommetjie. The good news is that it is now open in Diep River! Lovers of tea time treats will no longer have to drive all the way out to Kommetjie – there’s a Compass Bakery on Diepriver main road. Eh oh! The tasty treats just got closer to home!

It’s also a fantastic place to stop by and get goodies for an office party. Same products, half the price.

We popped in on Saturday morning and literally had to go, “No! No! Not that as well. No, just these things…ok and that thing…” as we made our way through the isles.

It’s so hard to turn down chocolate marshmallow treats, baked cookies and my favourite cupcakes, waffles, muffins – the list goes on.

Check out Compass Bakery Diep River and dig into the best of Woolies baked goods at a fraction of the cost. Can you spell YUM?!





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      1. says: Janine

        Hi do you have the contact number for the factory shop for woolworths in diep revier the one that was in kommetjie that sells the cupcakes and baked goods