[TRY] Magnum Pints…hmmmmm

Magnum PintsI might have mentioned on Facebook a few days ago that Magnum Pints had come to visit and that there was something to talk about. The new guy is in town and he’s making quite an impression.

The kind people at Magnum asked me if I was feeling winter-movie-and-ice-cream-ish and I replied saying, “Well I just so happen to be feeling exactly like that!” I know that most people think ice cream is for summer, well I disagree. In summer I’m active, busy, thirsty. Ice cream doesn’t quench my thirst. In winter I’m lazy, cozy, snuggly, stay-in-ish…the perfect time for ice cream if you ask me. We always feel a little sorry for ourselves in winter time. And there’s nothing better than sitting on the couch with a big blankie, the best movies and a whole lot of tasty treats. Enter Magnum Pints.

20140530-124249-45769737.jpgI was lucky enough to try out the Hazelnut and Chocolate Magnum pint. Once you rip pop open the lid, you’re greeted by a smooth caramel icecream with chocolate sprinkles on top. Once you hack in have a few bites, a little cave of chocolate mousse (it was a bit frozen) sauce is hidden in the center which oozes out over the hazel nut ice cream. PERFECT for 2 to share (on 2 occasions if you’re being good), a Magnum pint is the perfect winter treat. I tried it and passed it over to Mr Love, the king of sweet things, who got right in there.

Magnum PackageThe package also included a lovely maroon blankie, an ice cream shaped memory stick which Mr Love immediately rushed off to use o his music and a business sign reading, “Do Not Disturb my Magnum Pints’ which is why I was surprised to find any left in the deep freeze the following evening!

I sat down for round two while watching the September Issue, satisfied smug on my face, snuggled in my blankie, with rain lashing the windows. Win.

If I’m perfectly honest, the Magnum Death my Chocolate ice cream is actually still my favourite. I’m a SERIOUS chocoholic so I like it rich! But for a sharing occasion it makes total sense to get a pint of Magnum goodness. Definitely try it out for around R60 per tub in supermarkets.

Someone else who also knows all about snuggling wanted in…


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