[WIN] Sliding at Snow World at Grand West

Guys! Last week I went to the opening of Snow World at Grand West and it was AWESOME! Ok, I know that sounds ridiculous coming from someone my age and look, the exhibition isn’t flawless, but I just had SO MUCH FUN! I really had a blast and I think it would be a wonderful outing for families.

Snow World Grand West

I thought that it was going to be held in the Grand Arena or at the Ice rink, but they’ve actually built it in a seperate center which you access through the games arcade. Upon first entry it doesn’t seem that spectacular, because unfortunately they haven’t put polystyrine on the floor to make it look white (or any other something or other that a Mythbuster type character would think of in order to reinforce the ‘snow’ look).

Snow World Grand West

So it doesn’t look very snowy from the get-go, but once you round the corner all the activations really add to the atmosphere and it’s quite fun. They have BIG 3D animals that move which adds to the attraction. They also have big signs on the walls so that Moms and Dads have something to read while the kids run around 😉

Snow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand West

I loved seeing these animals LOL! It was cool to see them move and their growls and howls added to the atmosphere of the exhibition. We then found the snow village which is essentially a food court, with a number of awesome treats in it including vegan ice creams! Made purely of alcohol, dry ice and syrup, they were DIVINE! They’re like frozen candyfloss! They just absolutely melt in your mouth like magic, they were awesome.

IMG_0097Snow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand WestSnow World Grand West

The snow village also had an ice bar. A cold room (that’s basically a giant fridge) filled with ‘snow’ and ice seats and an ice bar with ice statues. They seemed to have just opened it and were taking photographs so I wasn’t offered a drink or anything so I can’t mention anything about it, but I’m sure the Jagermeister is ice cold!

Ice bar at Snow World Grand WestIce bar at Snow World Grand WestIce bar at Snow World Grand WestIce bar at Snow World Grand WestIce bar at Snow World Grand West

After visiting the ice bar, we decided to go sliding. YES! Even the adults were allowed on! I’m not sure how cool you would look in a queue full of kids though LOL! But on the night we went, there were as many adults as kids so we didn’t look too over keen (you know I wasn’t holding back from getting my fair share in!).

Sliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestBoring Cape Town Chick at Snow World IMG_2981

I was SO worried that these boats weren’t going to stop because it heads straight for a wall! But somehow it does manage to stop before you going crashing into concrete! I LOVED it and ran up for a second ride, haha! After this ride, I went onto the even BIGGER slide which goes around the second kids’ play ‘room’. This one went SO frikken fast I was STRESSING! BUT, what fun!

Snow World also has a snowboarding section where you can take a quick course in how to snowboard from one of the instructors (who I spoke to about what to do). This is included in the ticket that you buy, price depending. They supply the snowboards, snow boots for the boards, etc. There was also the larger slide but I didn’t get any info about that in particular.

Sliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand WestSliding at Snow World Grand West

Finally, the snow cat for pictures. I just couldn’t resist! I’m 5’10”, so you must know how big this cat actually is!

snowcat at Snow World Grand Westsnowcat at Snow World Grand West

As I said, I had an absolutely blast at SnowWorld and I really think any family who wants to go will have an amazing time.

Snow World at Grand West Cost:

  • Snow Boarding Pass (Full Access: Snow Boarding)*  – R140/ session
  • Snow and Ice Rider Pass (Snow Tubing in Snow Box, 2 Ice Slides, Ice Age Animal, Snow Play Areas) – R120/ session
  • Mini Pass (1 Ice Slide, Snow Play Areas, Ice Age Animals) – R60/ session
  • Non-Rider Pass – R50/ session

*Snow Boarding Pass includes a 20 minute lesson for the first time users before they will go onto the slopes. Age restriction for snowboarding only – no under 6-year-olds.

Snow World Opening Times:

  • Wednesday and Thursday 12pm – 10pm
  • Friday 12pm- 11pm
  • Saturday 10am – 11pm
  • Sunday 10am – 9pm
  • Monday and Tuesday closed (except for Public Holidays and school holidays, when we will be open)

Time slots will be sold on the hour for a 45-minute session.

Go to Snow World and have a blast! I did!


I’m giving away 2 sets of double tickets to Snow World (this way 2 families can go for half price instead of 1 family going for free). To enter via Facebook:

  • Go to the Boring Cape Town Chick and like the page.
  • Please share this post so your friends hear about it too.
  • Leave a comment with your e-mail address so that I can contact you if you win.

Or enter via Twitter:

  • Following Boring Cape Town Chick
  • Retweet this post please.

Competition closes next Thursday evening at midnight. (19th May 2016, 23:59pm)


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