Avoiding “SkypeBook”

As if the inclusion of the Facebook chat facility wasn’t annoying enough, the Facebook developers have upped their game by merging with Skype to incorporate video chat. Gone are the days one can ignore and shut chat windows should an annoying acquaintance pop up or even a friend who pops up at an inconvenient time. With the ability to video call your friends, either via their page or by clicking the Facebook chat icon, the world will now be able to see you in all your glory, naked, in your pajamas, eating, whatever state you’re in whenever you log onto Facebook. Welcome to Facebook CCTV!

Since Google+ (direct competition to Facebook) launched it’s video call abilities, the world has been anticipating a retaliation from Facebook. “Earlier today, we announced the integration of Video Calling, Group Chat and a new Chat design. With face-to-face video calling, now you can watch your friends smile, wink and LOL. To get started, visit http://www.facebook.com/videoc​alling. Call your friends to instantly give them access to Video Calling.” is the official post on Facebook’s Facebook page.

By installing a small piece of software to your browser, you can now be harassed all day! So instead of finding the direct instructions as how to install this software here’s how you can avoid being video called when you least expect it:

“If you want to make yourself unavailable for video calling and chat:

  1. Click the settings icon in the right corner of the chat list.
  2. Click “Available to Chat” to remove the check mark.”
Can I block specific friends from calling me?
If you want to block a friend or group of friends from calling or chatting with you:

  1. Create a friend list that includes the people you’d like to prevent from chatting with you.
  2. Click the settings icon in the right corner of the chat list.
  3. Select “Edit Availability…”
  4. Check the box next to the friend list you’d like to appear unavailable to and click “Close”. You will no longer appear online to these friends.
Note: To stop someone from contacting you, you can also unfriend the person or block the person from interacting with you in any way on Facebook.” – Facebook Help Center.
Call me cynical but I have a feeling that Facebook friends lists are about to dramatically decrease the world over in the very, VerY, VERY near future. Good luck!
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