[WIN ELO LIVE in South Africa feat. Phil Bates, 15th Feb 2014

Phil Bates ELOELO Live in South Africa 2014. Some of you might be thinking a) who the hell is ELO? b) Why on earth is this younger person writing about old school cats? Well I grew up in a house filled with rock music and Electric Light Orchestra was one of the bands that my Dad was sure to play. Phil Bates is the replacement singer from the original band member Jeff Lynne and has been noted as one of the UK’s best lead vocalists and guitarists.

Because ELO is known for their big string sound, as one of the first crossover classical/rock groups, the South African tour will feature South African group The Muses ensuring that the full ELO sound that you’ve come to know and love will be portrayed live.

Muses Gold ELOIf you’re concerned about Jess Lynne not being involved: I watched Kings of Chaos earlier this year where there were substitute singers (such as Myles Kennedy for Axel Rose) who were mind blowing. So I’m not phased and I appreciate that the promoters are being transparent about the group.

The ELO concert will be held at the Paarl LiquiFruit Amphitheatre (Taal Monument) on February 15th 2014. Tickets are available for R240 for Electric Light Orchestra on Computicket.


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P.S How Illuminati is this stage? HAHA 😉

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